Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm not sure what to think

I'm not really sure what to think of things right now, but I feel this need to get it down somewhere. Even if only to get it out of my head, see it in text, process it somehow.

The best way I can think to state it succinctly... I think our house may be haunted.

There, I've said it. The very thought of it sends chills down my spine, but I'm running out of rational, logical, natural explanations for what's been happening. Looking back now I realize it started from the very first night we officially owned our own home. It all seemed so innocent, so normal then. Now I just don't know what to make of it.

I've never been a superstitious person. Sure, I knock on wood when one supposedly should, but only as a joke and as a sign of hopefulness that whatever I said won't backfire. You know how it goes. But now I find myself wondering what the hell we were thinking signing the papers and taking ownership of this house on Friday the 13th of all days. But that was the day. We thought nothing of it at the time. April 13, 2007, just a couple of months ago, we took posession of our very first home. All we knew was we were happy, excited, and saw nothing but our future together. We were so excited about it all that we went back to our apartment before the ink was even dry and rounded up our sleeping bags and pillows. We were going to spend our first night in our own home. As of the moment the pen left the last page and the seller's agent placed the keys in my hand, our apartment was no longer "home".

In retrospect, it all started for us that night. It was just little noises really. Odd sounds in the attic. Just mice, nothing more. The occasional creak of the floor or crack of a wall somewhere in the house. The place was 34 years old. Houses make weird noises. Even more so as they age. We just needed to get used to the new sounds of this house. after all, our apartment was in an old house and full of it's own weird sounds. That's all. To be honest, we barely gave it any more thought than that. We actually laughed at how we noticed every little sound. New places can be strange, can't they?

Over the past weeks though, the noises have continued. Not constantly, but frequently. Frequently enough that we notice them still. But they've become more... coherent, for lack of a better way to describe it. I'd swear some night I hear somebody coming up the steps, but we're the only ones here. Other times it sounds like somebody's walking down the hall but the footsteps stop at the bedroom door, then nothing.

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